Tuesday, August 30, 2011

In the Word… of the Word

The Word of God describes us Christians as people who are in the world but not of the world.

What does this mean?

It means that we are in the Word and of the Word.

It means, as is plain to see, that we are flesh and blood people walking around this planet just as every non-Christian is. And it means, as is not as plainly seen, that we are citizens of another realm, unlike every non-Christian.

That’s why we are in the Word and of the Word rather than being of the world simply by virtue of being in the world.

Being in and of the Word means that we are people who live in the world but of the Word.

The world shows us what we see. The Word shows us what we do not see. It’s plain we are in the world, not so easy to see that we are of the Word.

Being in and of the Word means that we live in the world as God has called us to live for eternity. We don’t simply live in the world as non-Christians do. We live in the world for the sake of eternity.

God is not of the world. He created the world. But He was in the world because He became flesh, entering the world. He was never of the world, always being of the Word. It was the Word by which the world came into being.

It was by the Word that salvation was brought about. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus, in the world but not of the world. Jesus, redeeming us who are in the world so that we may not be of the world.

Redeeming us so that we may be of the Word even as we live in the world. When we are called to our heavenly home we will no longer be in the world even as we will still be in and of the Word.

Being in the Word means that while we live in the world we read and study and grow in God’s Word. Being of the Word means that while we live in the world we are not of the world but of the Word, flesh and blood people who are in Christ, the Word made flesh.

In Baptism things of this world were used not to take you out of the world but to transport you from being of the world. In water and Word you were brought into a new realm in which you became of the Word.

In the Lord’s Supper things of this world are used not to remove you from your daily life but to transform your daily life. You are very much in the world as you partake of bread and wine and take into your mouth the Body and Blood of Christ. But it is in this that you are very much not of the world but rather of the Word—the Word made flesh that is given you to eat and drink.

Being in and of the Word is not just things like devotions and Bible Study. Those things are vital. Devotions and Bible Study are similar to food. Food sustains you. You are sustained so you can live.

But food is not the thing. Living is. Being in and of the Word is being in the Word so that you may be of the Word.


Belinda said...

Hi Rev Will,
To me, the message is a bit opaque. However, best wishes.

rev.will said...

Hi Belinda:

Are you talking about what I wrote or the Bible?

Thanks, and best wishes to you as well.
